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How School Leaders Can Protect Their Schools from Cyber Attacks


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Cyber incidents are on the rise. Are your students and staff protected?

Cybersecurity incidents such as phishing attacks, data hacks, and ransomware demands are on the rise in the education space with no signs of slowing down. At the same time, schools are demanding more from their data networks in the form of security cameras, HVAC systems, and remote learning devices – creating more potential entry points for hackers in the process. As a result, investing in cyber insurance has quickly become a necessity. 

While cyber insurance won’t necessarily protect you from getting hacked, schools that comply with their insurance provider’s requirements are inherently safer than those that do not.

In this information-packed webinar, we’ll cover the following:

  • An overview of the cyber threats facing school networks and systems
  • Steps to take before, during and after a cybersecurity breach
  • Regulatory compliance considerations such as FERPA, CIPA and PPRA
  • What is cyber-liability insurance, and why do schools need it?
  • The different types of insurance policies available, what they cover, and how to choose the best policy for your organization
  • Typical questions you can expect from an insurer before getting approved for coverage
  • The ins and outs of a cybersecurity risk assessment
  • Ways to upgrade your existing cybersecurity measures to help keep insurance premiums low
  • Why schools should rely on 3rd-party experts to assist with cybersecurity upgrades

Our Speakers

Ken Nero CEO

IKON Business Group

Sean O’Rourke Finance & Cyber Liability

Combs & Company

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