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Don't even think about creating a technology plan before you see this!

Keep Accurate and Organized Records Using an E-Rate Binder

When applying for E-rate funding, it is important to keep accurate and organized records of all your E-rate-related activities. One of the best ways to do this is to create an E-rate binder that contains all the necessary documentation for compliance with the program’s rules and regulations.

Here are some items that you should consider including in your E-rate binder:

  1. E-rate program rules and regulations Include a copy of the latest E-rate program rules and regulations, as well as any updates or changes that may have been issued since the beginning of the funding year.
  2. E-rate application forms Include copies of all the E-rate application forms that you submitted for the current funding year, including Form 471, Form 470, and any other required forms.
  3. E-rate funding commitment letter Include a copy of your E-rate funding commitment letter, which outlines the amount of funding you have been approved to receive and any conditions or requirements that must be met.
  4. Service provider contracts Include copies of all contracts and agreements with service providers, including internet service providers (ISPs), phone companies, and other vendors.
  5. Invoices and billing records Include copies of all invoices and billing records related to your E-rate funding, including those from service providers and vendors.
  6. Technology plan Include a copy of your school or library’s technology plan, which outlines how you plan to use your E-rate funding to improve technology and telecommunications services.
  7. Bid evaluation documentation Include documentation of your bid evaluation process, including any RFPs (requests for proposals), evaluation criteria, and other information used to select service providers.
  8. Program compliance documentation Include any documentation related to program compliance, such as records of compliance training for staff, monitoring of service provider performance, and any other activities related to compliance with program rules and regulations.
  9. Audit documentation Include any documentation related to E-rate program audits, including records of any audits conducted and any responses or actions taken as a result of the audit.

By including these items in your E-rate binder, you can create a comprehensive and organized record of your E-rate program activities and ensure compliance with program rules and regulations.

Have questions about E-Rate? We’re here to help. 
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